5 Reasons Why I Choose WordPress For Creating Websites

5 Reasons Why I Choose WordPress For Creating Websites

Why Choose WordPress for Your Website?

Creating a website in [oceanwp_date] is absolute must for anyone who has any type of a business or wants to reach a target market on the web.  If you have researched creating a website at all, you will have undoubtedly heard about WordPress.  WordPress is a content management system (CMS), which means it’s designed to help you organize and display content on your website. What counts as content?  In short, everything on your website counts as content.  From your header with your business name, to your contact information, blog posts and your footer text.  Everything you can see is content.  

WordPress is by far the king of CMS. According to data from the web technology survey firm W3Techs, WordPress now powers 30% of all websites on the web and has a 60% share of the CMS market.  You may be saying, “That’s great but how or why does this help me with my website”?

Here are the 5 factors about why I choose WordPress when creating client websites:

WordPress is updated Frequently

As stated above, WordPress powers a number of websites across the web.  Web Security is a frequent focus of many of the WordPress updates.  I choose to use a number of techniques and plugins that can be added to the WordPress framework to help insure that client sites stay secure from hackers.  Creating sites using plain old html, css, and javascript without a framework is not really a practical or useful approach in today’s world.  The advantages are few especially when you consider the level of difficulty needed to manually update the security of the scripts used.  This is one of my primary reasons for using WordPress for personal or small business websites.

You can make your WordPress site look unique

Since WordPress started in 2003, many “themes” have been developed to help users create great looking sites.  A theme is a collection of templates and stylesheets used to define the appearance and display of a WordPress powered website.  While themes are available in other types of website builders (Squarespace, Wix, Weebly), they are extremely limited and are not easily transferred when you want to move your website away from those services.  When building a website, I choose themes that are generic and work well with all types of plugins so that I can tailor the needs of the client to the type of aesthetic they want to display on their site.  I choose to not use the templates associated with the themes so that each client can have a unique look and feel to their site.  Creativity is endless in WordPress.  Please visit my article “Why Do I Need A Professional Website Designer” for more information about creating a website for your business.

WordPress has a huge support community

With the shear number of people using WordPress, odds are that if a problem exists an answer can be found.  Problems do come up and nobody likes their website to be down.  Information is abundant and the community surrounding WordPress is friendly and willing to lend a hand.  Building a site from scratch (ie: not using a CMS) can be fun, but it is extremely limiting when you are needing help to resolve issues. Coding from scratch can be a nightmare!

Functionality via WordPress Plugins

WordPress plugins are apps that allow you to add new features and functionality to your WordPress website exactly the same way as apps do for your smartphone.  Whether you want to add multimedia content (videos, podcasts, slideshows), or make your site load faster etc…, there is a plugin (or five) for that.  Choosing the right plugin and one that has good security and works well with your theme is crucial.  

WordPress plays well with others

No matter how great your site looks, it still will need to interact with other platforms and with people so that you can be found on the web and make money.  WordPress is structured so that search engine crawlers can easily index your site.  This makes it easy for customers to find you.  Also, many themes are now mobile-optimized meaning the pages automatically resize themselves depending on the device size the user is viewing your site on.  Even with the best theme though, I find many tweaks still need to be made.  

In terms of interacting with other platforms for sales, WordPress features a Woo Commerce plugin which makes it easy to sell products, digital downloads, subscriptions and create membership access portals to your site.  

Lastly, I highlighted this point before but if you ever want to change web hosting services, it is pretty simple to do so especially when comparing it to other website builder sites (Squarespace, Wix, Weebly). 

The Right Choice For My Client's Websites

The bottom line is that with WordPress, I can create your website to look the way you want it to, be unique, secure, easily updatable and maintainable.   Have more questions?  We’ve got answers.

Zach Springer

Zach Springer

Zach Springer is the owner of Springboard Website Designs located in Meridian, Idaho. Our services include website design, logos, graphics and photography. Give us a call today for all of your website needs.