How To Improve Customer Service And Close More Deals
business deal completed because the businessman improved customer service skills to know what his customer wanted by knowing his disc personality testing style

How To Improve Customer Service And Close More Deals

Want to read your customer's minds and improve your customer service?

Improving customer service for small business owners is crucial to keeping your business alive.  At Springboard Website Designs, we are not only a web design company.  We help our customers with their website and write about business tips that can help your business thrive.  In this article, you learn how you can improve your customer service and close more deals by using a Disc assessment to learn more about yourself and the other areas of human behavior.  After you learn what your disc style is, you’ll be better suited for learning what style your customer is and what they want to hear from you in order to close the deal. 

Increase your self-awareness first

I wanted to share with you an extremely helpful way to increase your self awareness.  DiSC personality testing.  We all know that emotional intelligence and self awareness is key to being successful in the workplace and at home.  Knowing what motivates you and what motivates others is a strong skill that for most us is not easy to develop.  Disc personality testing is a simple 10-15 minute online test that is a game changer.  Investing in yourself is one of the best ROI’s you can make.  

One thing that everyone can enjoy learning about is personality types and what will set off or irritate various personality types.  So if you’re wondering how to improve your customer service, who you should hire in your business, what kind of personality your spouse is, or your child; friend; co-workers;boss or you manage people and clients, this is a very valuable tool.

First thing I would recommend you do is go to  A great deal of information can be found there about DiSC and why they use the Everything DiSC – Wiley Brand.  

The Disc model has been around for years and the Everything DiSC version is superior in terms of the quality, data models and the report you receive after taking the test.  It is easy to understand and very insightful. 

The DiSC test available at will help you to figure out what your personality styles are and those of your co-workers, clients or future employees.  There are four different quadrants.

‘D’ personality type is generally somebody who is very dominant, driven, aggressive, assertive.  

‘I’ personality type is somebody that is highly personable and loves people, very social.

‘S’ personality type is somebody that loves stability, they want something they can count on.

‘C’ personality type is somebody that is very compliant, that follows the rules and follows checklists and knows what is needed to get the job done.

How to read your customer's disc style

Real estate agent meeting with a couple and having a discussion of which he will need to improve customer service to gain their deal

Thinking about the different personality types is especially fun when you think about your clients because every client will be irritated by something that has to do with their personality styles. For example, if you are dealing with a ‘D’ style, you’ll know that generally this is somebody that is aggressive action-oriented, bullet-pointed and driven.  They have a hard time if they feel there’s a loss of control when doing business with you.  If they are hiring you as a professional, they want you to say things like “I got this” and “I’m on it”.  Saying these types of things to a ‘D’ personality type will help diffuse any problems that can arise.

An ‘I’ personality type will get irritated if they feel alienated. They will say things like “You didn’t call me enough” or “You didn’t talk to me” or “I’m afraid you don’t like me”.  This happens to be  about 15% of our population that is very social and very people orientated.  

The third personality type ‘S’ is people who like stability.  About 60% of the population falls in this category so if you don’t know what your spouse, co-worker or your client is just assume they are an S as their primary type.  ‘S’ personality types dislike change.  For industries like the mortgage industry or real estate, customers generally have a hard time when things do not go as planned or as expected in their mind or as explained by the professional.  They want long explanations and very detailed information which is good but if they are your clients, you need to understand that you’ve got to spend more time helping them to understand what is going on so that they feel comfortable and in control.

The last personality type is a ‘C personality style.  This is someone who is very compliant.  They get extremely defensive if they feel like you’re judging their work.  These are clients that say “I sent you that already, see my email dated _________ and I can’t believe you’re asking me for something again because I’ve sent it to you”.  They feel threatened and discouraged that you are looking at the integrity of their work because it is what they pride themselves on doing.  

I hope this helps you understand a little more about the DiSC personality types and where you can get your Disc Personality Testing.  It is very, very helpful and fun to do.  You will learn about yourself and once you receive the results, I guarantee you will read the report and go “oh my gosh, that is me to a ‘t’ “.

Read more about the different disc styles by reading “Disc Personality Types – Which ‘Survivor’ contestant do you relate to?


I hope you find this useful and please visit the link for  If you own your own business or work with clients directly, just knowing what to look for in the different personality types and how they are triggered is such valuable information.  Knowing how you are triggered and how you react to other types is just as valuable as knowing your co-workers, boss, spouse, children etc.  

Have a great day.

Zach Springer

Zach Springer

Zach Springer is the owner of Springboard Website Designs located in Meridian, Idaho. Our services include website design, logos, graphics and photography. Give us a call today for all of your website needs.