PPC Marketing Performance and Web Design
Computer keyboard with a cell phone opened up to Google Ads for running a ppc marketing campaign

PPC Marketing Performance and Web Design

What is the relationship between PPC Marketing and Website Design?

When the concept of pay-per-click (PPC) marketing and advertising comes to mind, most people tend to limit the concept to highly-technical ideas that are closely intertwined with the marketing tool itself.

Often brought up along with ad messaging, budgeting, optimization, and conversion tracking, PPC marketing has garnered a reputation for itself that falls more into the lines of pencil-pushing than creativity. Although the tool itself is packed with lots of complexities that are data-dependent in nature, the truth is that it also plays a crucial role in many aspects of marketing. This is especially true when it comes to website design.

How PPC marketing and web design are interlaced

Now, you might be thinking about how both fields are completely different to the point that they don’t match up. After all, these two concepts operate on two different planes!
What many don’t know about PPC marketing and website design is that they both work together in the most successful strategies because of their key advantages when it comes to improving their performance. With one focusing on the front end of a marketing strategy and the other implementing the back end and foundation, these concepts work hand-in-hand to achieve optimal results.

The main reason your pay-per-click advertising and web design work so well is that they function as a Yin-and-Yang arrangement. This means that though they may be seemingly opposite, they may actually be complementary and interconnected.

How web design can affect your PPC performance

Beyond the two-part process, there are several other ways the overall face of your website can greatly impact and improve the way your search-engine-marketing (SEM) program works, namely:

1. Influence on page speed

In spite of its seemingly-simple nature, the page speed that your current design has can greatly impact your PPC program because of how it greatly affects a user or visitor’s experience once they enter your site.

According to a study carried out by Unbound, researchers discovered that nearly 70 percent of consumers stated that page speed impacted their purchasing decisions. Additionally, 50 percent of the study’s own respondents also claimed that they would leave a site if they’re forced to wait more than three seconds. This can effectively result in wasted ad expenses if you aren’t careful!

2. Direct connection on responsiveness

Similar to page speed, the concept of responsiveness is one that a PPC campaign needs to cultivate in order to thrive properly, which is something that a solid website design can provide.

As more and more web users rely on their smartphones and tablets to access the web, it’s safe to say that a huge chunk of any campaign’s appearances will come from mobile devices. While it’s great to have your PPC endeavors appear on more screens than ever, this can eventually prove to be a double-edged sword if the website it leads to isn’t responsive enough to provide a satisfactory experience.

With the help of responsive web design, you can ensure that every source of PPC-generated traffic gets to use your website well enough to be converted with absolute ease!


When used correctly, your PPC campaign and web design can work together hand-in-hand to deliver satisfactory results. This is even more possible when you understand the existing relationship between them both!

Looking for professionals to help you with your website design in Boise, Idaho? We’re a web design and development agency in Meridian and Boise. Get in touch with us today for free website consultation calls or for a free trial of our services!

Zach Springer

Zach Springer

Zach Springer is the owner of Springboard Website Designs located in Meridian, Idaho. Our services include website design, logos, graphics and photography. Give us a call today for all of your website needs.