3 Essential Elements To Include In Your Web Design For SEO
Wood blocks spelling out SEO meaning Search Engine Optimization

3 Essential Elements To Include In Your Web Design For SEO

Websites are essential for every business, especially in an increasingly digital world. If you’re not online, you’re likely far behind the competition. This is something that many organizations and personalities recognize as seen in the rapid increase of new websites in today’s market.

Due to the increase in online competition, businesses are forced to continually find ways to stand out and get noticed by their target audience. This is where website design comes into the picture. This is because websites with a stunning and intuitive design are more preferred by users and visitors compared to those that are poorly made.

However, aside from attracting visitors and making them stay, web design also contributes to your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. Google particularly favors websites with a well-planned UI/UX design because they are helpful not only to the search engine but also to the visitors visiting them.

If you want to have a welcoming and highly-functioning website, consider implementing these three essential factors into your web design:

1. Easy-to-follow navigation design

You always have to remember that visitors will not have any idea of your business and what you do the first time they visit your website. This vital aspect should be considered when you are planning your navigation and creating your sitemap. Don’t assume that your visitors will “get” what you are trying to do, or that they will find their way around your website easily.

Users don’t like websites that are confusing and difficult to navigate. They can easily exit your website, which increases your website’s bounce rates. This sends a negative signal to search engines due to the unpleasant user experience, consequently harming your performance and ranking on search engines.

2. Comprehensible headings

Other than an easy-to-follow navigation, heading tags on each page of your website further helps users know what to expect on the page they’ve landed on. This helps the users find what they’re looking for and make them stay for longer.

Furthermore, using SEO-optimized heading tags help your website’s performance. These tags are what search engines use to know what your page contains (it delivers a context indicator in the appearance of keywords to the search engine). The more it is optimized for search for a certain keyword or topic, the more that it can show in search results.

3. Mobile optimization

In 2018, mobile search was predicted to overtake desktop search queries. Today, people spend

most of their time online on their smartphones. Because of this changing trend, you must design your website while keeping in mind that your customers are most likely viewing it from their phones. If your website is slow to load on mobile phones, your visitors can easily exit and visit a competitor’s site instead.

Local search has also seen an upsurge in recent years. People are now searching for directions to local businesses using their phones. If your website isn’t optimized for mobile users, you’re losing the chance to perform well in local search rankings as well.


Building a website is more than putting useful information on your site, and designing it is more than using great fonts and attractive colors to make it look appealing. At the same time, you also have to think about how your existing and potential customers will use your website. Because of this, you must incorporate the elements mentioned above in your web design to give your visitors a smooth and seamless experience while interacting with your website.

What’s even better is that no efforts in designing a user-friendly website will not be in vain, because these also contribute to your performance in search engines. When you rank higher, your business becomes more visible!

If you’re looking for an experienced web design company, we’re the one for you. We provide straightforward and excellent website design services in Boise, Idaho, that will turn visitors into customers. Schedule a free website consultation now!

Zach Springer

Zach Springer

Zach Springer is the owner of Springboard Website Designs located in Meridian, Idaho. Our services include website design, logos, graphics and photography. Give us a call today for all of your website needs.